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A Rescue Center For Orphaned, Abandoned, And At-Risk Babies In Arusha, Tanzania

Neema House, a 501(c)3 organization in the USA and an NGO in Tanzania, operates in the city of Arusha, Tanzania, and is a rescue center for orphaned, abandoned and at-risk babies. It is currently operating at over capacity with forty-six babies receiving in-house care, as of January 16, 2016. The number of babies needing help far exceeds the current facilities and resources of Neema House. Babies come to Neema when hospitals and police stations call asking for help with babies who have been abandoned or orphaned. Babies have been left on the roadside, on porches, in yards, left alone in houses and even in latrines. At Neema House they have all found love and care.

Maxine, above, was an abandoned baby. Photo on left when she first came to Neema House, and photo on right at her adoption, age ten months. With a staff of forty full time Tanzanians there is twenty-four hour care, seven days a week at Neema.

The Founders and Executive Directors are Michael and Dorris Fortson, who are retired volunteers and do not take a salary for their work with Neema. One hundred twenty-four unpaid volunteers from all over the world have came to Neema to hold the babies in 2014, and their lives have been changed by the experience. As author David Platt says, “When you hold an abandoned baby in your arms, everything changes.” Since the beginning in June 2012, one hundred fourteen babies have been helped by Neema House, twenty babies have been adopted and nineteen have been returned to an extended family member. Neema means Grace and any good done has been solely by the Grace of God.

Neema House Mission Statement

  • RESCUING abandoned, orphaned, and at-risk babies.
  • REUNITING children with extended families and promoting adoptions.
  • RESTORING hope to women through education, business opportunities, parenting skills and spiritual guidance.
  • RENEWING dignity to AIDs widows.

Did You Know?

  • There are 53 million children living without parents in Sub-Sahara Africa (UNICEF*).
  • In Tanzania, with a population of 45 million, there are several million orphans, many of whose parents have died from AIDS.
  • Most orphanages will not accept babies because they are too expensive to care for and require too many workers.
  • Due to a shortage of clean blood supply in Africa, mothers die during child birth at a much higher rate, resulting in many orphaned babies.
  • In Tanzania, babies are abandoned in hospitals, churches, along the road, in forests, bus stations, and many other places.
  • To adopt a child in Tanzania you must live in the country 3 years, be married, and be at least 25 years old, which basically stops out of country adoptions.

These Are Some Of The Factual Reasons Why Neema House Arusha Has Been Established. The Real Reason Is That God Wants Us To Help The Poor, Like These Little Ones Below.

*Statistics from United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund or the World Health Organization.

For Information about 2017 Kilimanjaro Charity Climb, go to: blogneemahousearusha.org


Never Believe That A Few Caring People Can’t Change The World.

For, Indeed, That’s All Who Ever Have.

Margaret Mead

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27 (NIV)