Tumaini #3

Little Miss Tumaini came to Neema Village today. The hospital called that a mom had died and Ed and Tammy Burns went with Angel to pick up the baby. A traditional medicine man had given the mother some herbs that looked right but turned out to be poison. The baby lived but mom did not. Mom had 4 other children and dad cannot take care of a such a small baby for now.  Tumaini means Hope. We can hope and pray this never happens again.  If you can please help us keep babies like Tumaini.  Formula is very expensive here as well as 24/7 nanny care.   Just hit the donate button on the website, it’s easy and painless and might even be good for your heart!  Sponsorships start at $30 a month and remember only Tanzanians are paid at Neema Village.

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi