
Our littlest Tumaini came to Neema late afternoon on August 21, 2024.  Her mom died out in a Maasai village after childbirth with complications from retained placenta.  Tumaini is the little half sister of Saruni who lived at Neema for 2 years.  Saruni’s mom died in childbirth and after a few years Saruni’s dad remarried.  Now his second wife has died in childbirth.  It is beyond sad at how many Maasai women die in childbirth here.  They did not feed the baby anything but water so she had an unrecordable blood sugar level when Dr, Teddy checked her into Neema.  She also had a dirty rag tied around the umbilical cord and may have a sepsis blood infection. Dr. Teddy has put baby Tumaini into the hospital in ICU to save her life.  Please be praying for this little one as well as our Save The Mothers program which helps traditional birthers understand about retained placenta.  We will need some help with the ICU medical bills.    Thanks everyone.

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi