Neema Grace

Neema Grace came to Neema Village in March of 2018.  She was 2 months old and weighed about 1.3 kilos.  Her mother had died and there was no one at the hospital from the family to help with this baby.  Neema Village began going to the hospital to take formula, diapers and just to hold the baby.  The nurse are understaffed and do not have time to hold babies.  We were not sure this little one would survive but she is doing well now at Neema. We have her in isolation and 24 hour nanny care.  We really need your help to care for this little one.  Little preemies like this require one nanny dedicated to this baby alone.  Please help by going to the donate page on this website and setting up an easy sponsorship.  It cost over $300 per month to keep a baby at Neema but sponsorships start at $30 and can be anywhere in between.  Bless you!!

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi