Naishooki and Esuphath

Nashooki and Esupati came to Neema with their mother, a neighbor, and social worker. They are around 18 months old. These little girls are Maasai and very malnourished. Their mother has the sckness and is not taking medicine and does not want to take the medicine. She wants to keep the babies with her but keeps trying to breastfeed them. She is also very weak. We are trying to encourage her to take her medicine so she will live for her girls. We know she loves them. She decided to leave after bringing them in but we asked her to return so we can help her. She is welcome to stay at the MAP apartments and visit the girls anytime she would like. Please pray she makes the right decision for her and her sweet girls. The girls were a little distraught last night but are doing much better today. They are settling in very well.
Please consider sponsoring these precious girls while they are here. Go to to find out more. Thank you!

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27 (NIV)