Little Miss Tumaini Mollel

Little Miss Tumaini was born Dec 29, 2016, she is Neema’s first baby of 2017.  Tumaini means Hope in Swahili.  She came to Neema after the death of her mother during childbirth.  We lose so many mothers during childbirth here and these little motherless ones, due to lack of good medical care, unsterile procedures, lack of clean water and the high cost of formula have only a small chance of survival.  Social Welfare asked Neema to step in and help.  You can help us save this baby by sponsoring her while she lives at Neema.  It costs us $300 to keep a baby at Neema but you can sponsor for any amount beginning with $30 per month.  Click on “donate” and on the purpose line put “sponsor Miss Tumaini.”  We have another Tumaini here and he is a boy so make sure you put Miss Tumaini.  Bless you for helping

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27 (NIV)