
Kasim was born November 1, 2021. He weighs 2kg (4.4lbs). He came to Neema with his mother. She stayed for a couple days but decided to leave him. She never wanted him but we tried to change her mind and offer her help. Kasim’s mother has not had an easy life. She is only 20 years old and never knew her father. Her mother passed away, not long ago. Her step father wanted to marry her and so she ran away. She began to work the streets. She says she cannot stop because the money is good. Please pray this young mother has a change of heart. She is always welcome to come back for her baby and a chance at a new life, filled with forgiveness and hope. Kasim will be fine and know love.
Please consider sponsoring Kasim while he is at Neema. Go to www.neemavillage.org. Thank you!

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi