Joshua 2022 baby

Baby Joshua came to Neema Village on Feb 10, 2022.  He was born Jan 20, 2022.  Social Welfare picked the baby up because the mom is mentally ill and had burned the family home down.  He has been given regular cow’s milk so we are praying he will not be sick.  His little worried eyes speak volumes of what this baby has gone through.  You can help us keep babies like Joshua by sponsoring this precious baby.  Sponsorships start at $30 per month and go up to $300 per month.  The average cost to keep a baby at Neema Village is $300 per month but you can sponsor for any amount.  We are grateful for whatever you can do.  Ashley updates the babies Facebook Albums every three months with pictures and a story of how they are doing, so watch for those updates.    After almost 10 years and 400 babies it has become impossible to keep people personally updated on their baby’s progress so we encourage you to watch the Neema Village Facebook updates.  Bless you

Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.
David Platt