Jess Joseph Mwandamba

Born April 27th, this beautiful baby girl was left abandoned by her mother with her brother who was unable to care for her. Hopefully Jess will be able to return to her brothers home when she is around two. Meanwhile she will be loved and cared for at Neema but we will need your help n caring for her. Neema has now cared for 113 babies but we could not do this without wonderful sponsors who set up monthly gifts to care for these babies. It is easy and painless to set up a sponsorship, just go to How to Help. You can use a credit card or set up a monthly gift through your bank. The world is a small place and what happens in Africa affects us all. If each one of us will just help one we can take care of the poor, helpless and abandoned of this world. Help us take care of Jess, you’ll feel good when you do.

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi