Grace John

February 2019-Grace was born January 22,2019. She came to Neema on the 19th, weighing 3.3 kg. (7.2lbs.). Her mother’s delivery went well. She went home with her baby loved and took very good care of Grace for two weeks. She then got sick and was having trouble breathing. She sadly passed away. We are uncertain of what happened; some medical staff said pneumonia, heart attack, or the lungs filling with fluid. Yes, it is sad that a lot of times you do not even know the cause of death for the mothers here. The father came with us to Neema and named her Grace. Neema means Grace in Kiswahili, we pray she can be with her family again soon. Please consider sponsoring Grace while she is here.

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi