Gabriella Joy Fortson

This precious baby girl was abandoned shortly after her birth. In a country where many people are desperately poor and there are no government programs to aid the poor, women will sometimes lay a baby on the side of the road hoping someone who can care for the baby will pick her up. The hospitals and police call us when a baby has been found. We are always glad to help.

Garellla is a very calm, sweet baby and settling in at Neema. We will try to find a good family to adopt her but would you please consider sponsoring her until that time. It cost over $300 a month to keep a baby at Neema. That pays for formula, salaries for Tanzanian workers, rent, utilities, petrol and medical care. Tanzanians are the only paid employees at Neema. All others are volunteers or have their own support including the directors. Most sponsorships start at $30 per month. Please help us take care of this little one.

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi