Ellery and Eliana

Ellery and Eliana came to Neema weighing 2.3kg (5lbs) and 2.2kg (4.8lbs). Their 20 year old mother had these beautiful little girls through cesarean section. The mother was told she needed to exercise six hours after having them and when she stood up she started to bleed profusely. She was taken back into surgery and afterwards she seemed to be paralyzed from the waist down. She was not doing well so they put her in ICU and she started having seizures. The grandmother did come to see the babies and just cried because she is so scared her daughter may die. We told her we would help her in anyway we could. The babies are doing well but please pray for their young mama.
Please consider sponsoring these precious girls while they are here. Go to www.neemavillage.org to find out more. Thank you!

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi