Baraka #1 Fortson

This sweet baby boy was left alone in a house. It is sad to think of how frightened he must have been when his cries brought no one to come help him. We are not sure how long he had been in the house alone but he was quite dirty and had bad sores from his soiled clothing stuck to his skin. It is not our place to judge these mothers; we are far too busy taking care of the babies at Neema to place blame. Neema House is a home for abandoned, orphaned and at risk babies. It is expensive to care for babies. Neema is not a “dirt floor” orphanage in Africa; thank God for the people who help to make that possible. But we still need help. Each month, less than half of our budget is committed. The rest we beg for, so please help if you can. You can sponsor this little boy and help Neema continue the good care we provide these “little throw away babies.”

You can donate through this website. Bless you for caring.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27 (NIV)