
Baraka came to Neema with his young mother. Neema was notified by the social welfare worker of the area they are from and asked if we could help. Baraka was born on October 18, 2023. He is very small weighing only 4.5 lbs (2.07kg). His mother is a student as is his father. Baraka’s mother is attending school thanks to the help of a village leader. Her family does not have the financial means to care for Baraka at this time. We will love and care for him until his mother graduates (hopefully next June) and is able to provide for her son. Baraka’s mother can come visit anytime, we know she loves her baby very much. She is the one who named him Baraka, which means blessing in Kiswahili.

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi