Baraka was admitted to Neema village on November 19, 2018, weighing 7 kg (15 lbs.) He was abandoned in a village called Likiding’a near the city of Arusha. He was discovered early one morning by children on their way to school. When they heard Baraka screaming, they ran to see what was going on, then seeing the baby by himself, they ran for help. The village chairman called social welfare, who told the people to keep the baby for one week to see if the mother would come back. After one week no one had come to claim the baby, so Neema Village was called to help. The social workers decided to name him Baraka (Blessing.) He has become our number 5 Baraka. We pray that he will grow up to be a Blessing to everyone, and that Neema Village will be a Blessing to him, and that some good family in Tanzania will adopt him.
You can be a blessing to Baraka by sponsoring him.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.