Bakari Omari Ndwatta

Bakari is four and a half months old and he has just lost his mother. His father is unable to care for him which is so often the case in Africa. Since formula is about $12 a can and the average Tanzanian makes about a hundred dollars a month if that, you can see that formula is way out of reach of most Africans. In the villages where there is no electricity or refrigeration and since they haul wood to cook, then boiling bottles and keeping milk in the fridge are also not possible.. Many of these babies whose mother dies do not have much chance of survival. Bakari is one of the lucky ones because someone knew about Neema House and knew that we would step in to help. You can help too, by sponsoring this precious little boy. It is quick and easy through this web site. Just click on the “How to Help/Donate” button and set up a monthly deposit into the Neema Account. It is tax deductible and besides that it will warm your heart as you put this little baby’s picture up on your fridge!

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27 (NIV)