Bahati #2

Bahati #2


April 2021- Baby girl Bahati came to Neema Village yesterday. She came at one week old, born April 20, 2021. Her Maasai family lives down in the Ngorongoro crater. Maasai are the only people allowed to live in the Crater which is a national game park. A friend of Micheal and Dorris’, Rick Morro who has a school for Maasai girls in Karatu, brought the grandmother and baby to us. Bahati’s mother had died in childbirth, she had retained placenta. We had a good visit with grandmother while helping her feed the baby. Bahti’s mom had three other sister wives. Two of the four have now passed away after child birth. Bahati is the fifth child and has at least four other siblings. Bahati’s grandmother promised to come every month until she can take Bahati home.

Please help us take care of this sweet girl. Go to for more information. Thank you!


Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27 (NIV)