Little Ava was three months old when she came to Neema Village last week from the local government hospital but she only weighed 3.6 kg, about 7 lbs, the size of a newborn.  Her mom had died in childbirth and the baby had been abandoned by the family.  The nurses had been taking care of her and cried when she left.   She is a smiley baby and we love her already.  We are not sure what her future will be but hopefully a family member can be found to care for her or they will release her to be adopted.  Please help us keep these little precious ones from God until a future of hope can be decided for them.  We will need sponsors for her.  Paying for 24 hour care, expensive formula, medical, food, utilities, petrol, etc at Neema Village, a rescue center for babies is about $300 per month.  Any amount will be greatly appreciated.  Bless you.

Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.
David Platt