Alice Gabriel Ayo

Alice is nine months old and is an abandoned baby. At the most vulnerable time in her life, she is alone and needs our help to survive. In a country where people are very poor, women can become desperate and may feel they have no choice but to lay a baby on the side of the road. It is not our place to judge we are there simply to help the most helpless of all little people on the planet. You can help too.

Neema Village, a home for abandoned and orphaned babies is a registered NGO in Tanzania and the police and hospitals call us when a baby has been found abandoned. We are always glad to step in but we need help to continue this precious work.

Neema means Grace and it is by the Grace of God and the goodness of people who are willing to help that we can save these babies. They are incredibly beautiful, funny, loving and you will be blessed by being a part of this work. You can sponsor Alice for as little as $30 per month. Bless you!

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27 (NIV)