Upendo -Successfully Completed
Upendo, has a 2 year old son named Calvin, who was severely brain damaged at birth. After the birth the husband abandoned the family. The baby was malnourished and not processing protein when Upendo came seeking help at Neema. We put the baby in the hospital for about 4 weeks.
She plans to start an Internet/Fresh Juice Bar busness. We have hired 2 college students to teach her how to use the computer three days a week for two hours for a month.
The teachers will also be available if she has questions or problems once she starts her business. Most people from our area of Arusha do not have access to the internet so they go to town to use the internet. Mariya brought computers from Germany and Upendo will have 2 computers to use to help start her business.
She will need a printer, a small fridge, tables and chairs and we will help her with the rent for a year. The shop is on a very busy street corner. and the neighbors tell us it will be a good business for her. I love the picture of her with her baby on her back as she learns about computers.
About $1,000 USD is needed to help start Upendo’s business.