Salma is 44yrs old. a widow and a mother of four children, a 23yr old boy, 16yr old twins and a 10yr old boy. The oldest and the youngest boys are both special needs. Salma was married to an alcoholic man , who was not supporting his family in any way, Salma was the one who would make snacks like Mandazi to sell so she could provide food for her family.
In 2011 her husband left her with three kids and went to an unknown place, leaving her without anyone to support her, not even her own family because her family abandoned her and did not want to get involved with her because she gave birth to special needs child, (considered cursed). She was struggling to provide for her family on her own, trying to pay for her twin’s school fees but she was unable to do that, her twins got help from school through a special program that helps students from poor families at school of which they can get exercise books, uniform and food.
In 2014 her husband came back and begged for her forgiveness and promised her that he was now a changed man, and because she loved her husband and wanted him to be there for her and the kids, she decided to forgive him and not long since he came back, she became pregnant again. When the man found out that she was pregnant he left her for the second time and went back to his home village, and life became even worse for Salma, because she was also not able to work. They were able to have at least one meal a day by begging from other people, churches and mosques.
In 2020 the man came back again when he was severely sick and wanted them to get back together, Salma didn’t want to accept him back but she finally did accept him back because her religious leaders asked her to forgive him and take him back. A few months later he passed away, and she was left with four kids, two of them special needs, sleeping in one rental room with a 23yr old boy, with only one meal a day to survive, unable to pay rent and her son’s medical bills.
Finally she was told about Neema Village and came to us to seek help. Anna and some volunteers went to do an interview with her, and she is now in the MAP Program, getting monthly money for food. She is yet to start her business, but she wants to become a food vendor when she is ready to start her business.