
Rosemary is 26 years old; she has two kids and she was begging on the street with her little baby two weeks old.  Halima, our MAP mom cleaner, met Rosemary begging on the street and directed her to Neema Village.

When she got to Neema she was very weak.  She had not eaten for some days

Kim and I decided to give her porridge before having any conversation with her because she was too weak even to talk.

We gave her porridge, and she finished three bowls and then she fell asleep for two hours.  After she woke up, she gave us her story.

She wants to start a food business, cooking and selling food to people

I asked her why she choose this business, and she told me that she came to realize that food is very important to a human being, she said if she had not found Neema, maybe she would already have died from no food.

She is living in our Jeffery Scott May House for now.

Anna Kimambo, MAP Director

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi