
Nepaeli is a 23-year-old widow with two children. Her husband was killed in a motorcycle accident.  With nowhere to turn she was directed to Neema Village by a social worker from an organization called Sibusiso. After the death of her husband her extended family abandoned her because their second child was handicapped.  They were staying in a small room, but she was only making $3.00 a day.  There is little she could do with taking care of her children and working.  One item she did have was her Bible and she put her hope in Jesus.  Anna and our volunteers went to interview her.  When Anna said she would qualify for the MAP program she fell to her knees crying.  That day the volunteers paid her back rent and provided money for food.  Nepaeli is now in the MAP program.  Her business is a fruit and vegetable stand outside of her home.  Most Tanzanians purchase their evening meal on their way home.   She is praising God for rescuing her and providing a business to support her family.  Please consider helping our MAP moms by donating the funds to start a business.



Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27 (NIV)