Modesta -Dropped from Program
Modesta, a widow, is 51 years old and has three children. The youngest is 2 years old and two of her children are also Albino.
When her husband died last year she inherited nothing, as is common with many widows in Africa, and the family had to move in with her aunt. But now the aunt says she cannot keep her any longer. Neema was contacted by a minister to see if there was a way we could help Modesta. She and her children had no place to go so we have moved her to an apartment close to Neema and will set her up in a day care business. She has worked at day cares in Arusha before so is excited to have her own Day Care business to be called “Happy Children” or “Watoto Wafuraha”. We have created a flyer for her to take around to her neighbors to help start her business. We have paid 6 months rent at $25 per month and bought supplies and a stove to help her set up her business. Business costs are $320.