
Mariana is 21 years old from Moshi.  She is the mother of an 11 months old girl named Courage. It always takes a lot of courage for these women who have been abandoned and abused to get up and try again.  We have been impressed with Marianna’s sweet personality determination. Always ready to help the other moms, she is energetic, loving and eager to start her business.  She will need a sponsor.  Here is her story as told to Heavenlight:

“Mariana was abandoned by her mother on her father’s doorstep, she grew up without ever knowing her mother. Her grandmother was the one taking care of her. Grandma died and left her to her uncle to take care of her, but uncle was abusing her, and when she graduated primary school he didn’t want to pay for her to continue with secondary school and asked her to go back to her father. She went and stayed with her father but life was very difficult, So Mariana decided to go find a job as a housekeeper. She managed to learn some skills while she was there like baking, and a little bit of sewing.    She met a man who was working in Arusha and Mariana decided to follow him to Arusha from Moshi. They lived together and  Mariana became pregnant, the Man took her to the hospital when it was time to deliver her baby, but the Man left her there with no money and no one to help her. She tried unsuccessfully to call and look for him.  The nurses were the ones taking care of her for a couple of days and they called our social worker {Angel} for help. She came to Neema and stayed in the MAP house for months learning sewing, attending counseling sessions and other classes. Now she has moved out to her new house and looking for a good location for her MAP business. She is going to sell fabrics and babies clothes.”

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi