Maasai Grandmother

On one of our recent trips out to a remote Maasai village the women in the village asked us to help a poor grandmother who had lost her daughter in childbirth.  She was struggling to keep the six children of her daughter.  We asked the grandmother to come to Neema Village to see how we could help.  When Grandmother came in to town she asked if we would help her rent a farm and she would plant corn to sell to make money to buy food for the children.  We thought that hoeing in the fields was a bit much for such an old woman and decided that we could set her up in a rice business instead.  We would buy her one large 100 kilo bag of rice for 6 months.  She would then break the rice up into small portions to sell which would double her money.  Anna agreed to help her work out a way to understand how a business works.  Grandmother does not read or write. Each month grandmother comes in to Neema Village for her next bag of rice and each month her grandchildren are fed.  Bless those of you who help with these MAP businesses which support women and children in Africa.

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi