Linett (Mama Isaak) One of our nannies asked Neema to check on this young woman. Linett is 19 years old and her baby is 7 months old. The father abandoned her when he found out she was pregnant. Linett’s father died in 2010 and she doesn’t know where her mother is. She stays in a very tiny room but the landlord will not let her stay in the whole room because she could not pay the rent. The rent is ten dollars a month. Linett only went to the 7th grade. She is starting a used clothing business which is a good business in Africa. We gave her some clothes and she began her business by walking around her neighborhood and on the road selling clothes off her arms. Now one of the other MAP moms will let her use her shop until she can have her own shop. We helped her buy a bundle of used clothes so her business will cost $275.