
Lavina is 17 years old and has a beautiful baby girl 4 months old.  She moved to Arusha to work as a house girl.  At her second job she became pregnant by the son in the house.  After the baby was born the son said it was not his baby and he ran away from the house.  DNA is too expensive here so that will not be a help to her.  The grandmother knows the baby is his and wants to continue to help Lavina but the grandfather disagrees.  An argument ensued that ended with the man kicking the grandmother out of the house.  She is living in a local church now and not able to help Lavina.  Lavina was still in the house with only the grandfather and became very uncomfortable there.  She was crying as she told Anna that she was desperate to find an answer for her life and had thought about moving onto the street and abandoning the baby.   Anna prayed with her and told her with God’s help we will be able to help her.   You can help Neema Village set these women up in a business by donating to the MAP program at Neema Village.  Bless you.

Lavina is ready to start her business now.  She will do a vegetable stand business.  T/he stand cost $150 and support for her for 12 months while she gets her business going is $313.  Thank you for helping her start a new life.


Orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.
David Platt