Florah Dominick

Florah is 44 years old and the mother of 2 year old twin boys.  Before having the twins she had a good job working in a SIMCARD company and was able to support herself and her invalid mother.  In 2021 she met a man and fell in love.  She became pregnant but when the man learned she was carrying twins he left.  At her age she had a lot of complications with the pregnancy and was not able to pay the mounting hospital bills.  Some of the doctors at the hospital stepped in to help with food.  After she had the babies and returned home she couldn’t pay her rent or buy food so she had to sell her bed and mattress.  They were sleeping on the floor and the babies were often cold and had pneumonia.  The little boys were malnourished and Florah who was not eating herself had no milk for them.  She was feeding them biscuits soaked with warm water and sometimes food she got from begging.   One day the boys woke up and tried to pull the cook stove closer to get warm and spilled hot water on themselves.  Finally Florah got in touch with Neema Village and we have paid her overdue rent and are giving her money for food every month.  She wants to open a small shop selling food.

If you would like to invest in something that will actually make a difference in the world invest in African women.  The fortitude, tenacity and how they will do anything to care for their children is beyond understanding.  Go to www.neemavillage.org and click on give now.  MAP is supported out of the Outreach budget.   Blessings.


Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27 (NIV)