
Evodia is 42 years old and has five children.  Her husband ran away when she was pregnant with her fifth child.  Evodia went to one of the local hospitals to see a doctor but the charge was 2,000 TSH (about $1.00 USD) and she did not have it so she could not see a doctor.  She knew she was having some problems with the pregnancy.  Then someone told her about Maternity Africa, a free clinic for Maasai mothers.  They sent her to a large local hospital and helped her pay her bill.  She ended up having a c-section and the baby was a preemie.  She spent two months in the hospital and then at the advise of Maternity Africa she came to Neema Village.  With Neema’s help she has started a charcoal business and we are looking at another business which could help her support her large family. Thank you for helping these women who live below the poverty level.  Very few people can pull themselves up from deep poverty without help.  May God richly bless you for caring for them.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27 (NIV)