
Doreen was abandoned by her parents but Thank God for grandmothers!  Her grandmother raised her. When her grandmother died Doreen went to live with an Aunt.  She became pregnant and during the delivery the baby lacked oxygen and is now a special needs baby.  The Father said his family did not have special needs babies so he could not be the father.  Her Aunt’s house became very abusive for her and her baby and so she was moving around living with one friend after another.  She heard about our Rehab Daycare  for special needs babies and came to see if we could help her child.  Nappy, our Rehab Daycare director, realized that this woman needed help too and called Anna, our MAP Director.  Doreen is now staying in our MAP Houses and attending classes including group therapy and counseling.  I am always amazed at these Lion Hearted women in Africa who are able to go on after the people who should be looking out for them become the abusers in their lives.  After a few months Doreen will be able to start a business.  Bless those of you who help these women get back on their feet by starting a Neema MAP business.

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27 (NIV)