
Dominica is 40 years old.  She is a widow with 3 children and Social Welfare called Neema to see if we could help her.  She has been finding greens in the field to sell on the street from a tub on her head to feed her family.  Yesterday she worked all day and made 3,000 shillings, about $1.50 cents, not enough to feed her family.  She was so grateful that people had come to help that she fell on her knees.  Most Tanzanian women do not want a hand out, they want a hand up.  We can help women like Dominica through the MAP program at Neema Village.  Dominica will be able to start a business with your help.  We have many small businesses from hair dressing to used clothing shops.  The average business cost is $600.  When you help a woman in Africa you not only change her world, you change ours.

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi