
Angela is seventeen years old.  She has a 6 month old baby girl.  Angela’s parents are alcoholics and she never stayed with them but always stayed with her Grandmother. Then her grandmother died and an Aunt took the responsibilities of taking care of Angela.  She made friends with a man who was always waiting to walk her back and forth to lunch. She became pregnant at 15 while in primary school {standard six}. She told the man about the pregnancy and his response was, “I will be taken to jail” because Angela is a student.  So he ran away. Social services and police tried unsuccessfully to find the man. Aunt accepted that she was pregnant, but the uncle did not want her in their house.  The Aunt tried to find help for her through the social welfare organizations who connected her to Neema Village

She is staying in the MAP MOM apartments  at Neema Village until she can start back to school on Monday. Neema Village will need help paying her school fees, food and lodging  and keeping the baby until mom finishes school. She loves her baby and will spend her school breaks at Neema to be with her baby.  The baby will return home with her after she finishes school.  Her school fees are 595,000 TSH or about $250 USD.  If you can help us keep this young mom in school we would greatly appreciate it.

An education makes all the difference in these young African girl’s lives.

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi