How to Sponsor a Baby and Keeping up with Your Baby

The average monthly cost of keeping a baby at Neema Village is $300 USD, (depending on medical costs each month). Sponsorships pay for nanny salaries, utilities, medical, food, formula, petrol, guards, drivers and farm workers. It does not pay for buildings, volunteer trips to Neema, or salaries for non Tanzanians who work at Neema Village full time.  Sponsorship funds go into the General Funds which supports the expenses of ALL of the children at Neema Village.

Many sponsors cannot afford $300 a month and do $30 a month or $100 or any amount in between. We are grateful for any amount! Bless you!

It is easy to set up a monthly sponsorship:

  • Click on the “Neema Babies” page at the top of the website
  • Click on a picture to read the story of a particular baby
  • Choose your baby
  • Click the Give Now button on the website
  • Fill in the blanks on the Billing donation form
  • On the purpose line write “General Funds”
  • Do not put the baby’s name, contact Kim later at ( with the baby you wish to follow.
  • Click on the recurring monthly square, not the one time gift
  • You can set up the sponsorship with an automatic donation from your bank account or
  • You can set up a monthly sponsorship from your credit card. Please watch when your card expires and contact us
  • Thank you so much for helping!

Our Bookkeeper and Auditor have recommended that we cut our categories down to four main groups: 

Pease designate one of these four funds that support all work at Neema Village when donating. 

  1.  General Purpose Funds- Includes sponsorships for babies and funds necessary for operations.
  2. Outreach Funds- Includes MAP, STM food, medical, water well drilling, education and other outreach projects such as food deliveries.
  3. Property Development – Includes building projects, (please include the name of the building)  roads and land purchases.
  4. Volunteer Expenses – Funds paid exclusively by volunteers for their own expense at Neema. 

Please remember that sponsorship funds go into the General Funds which supports the expenses of ALL of the children at Neema Village. 

Steps in order to give on Tithely

*Fill in amount

* Fund selection- please use the dropdown list to ensure bookkeeping accuracy. If no selection, this automatically goes into the General Fund

From this point on it is important to use the tab button if using a computer. If using your phone, you are able to scroll down as usual.

* your contact information including name, email, phone, mailing address

* payment method

* cover the fees (yes or no) If you select yes, the fees are included in your donation receipt

* Memo- type in any other information you would like

Feel incredibly blessed to be able to help babies and moms in one of the poorest countries on earth!


Keeping Up with your Baby

Neema Village has had over 400 babies who have come through our program and average between 50 to 60 babies each month living at Neema. Since we are not a large corporation and try to keep our administration costs down our sponsors are notified of their baby’s progress by an overworked volunteer. But each baby has an album on Neema Village Facebook and we do post an update 3 times a year on their album. It always has cute updated pictures which you can “save as” and put up on your fridge and a short paragraph of what is happening. in your baby’s life. Many people do not have Facebook but Neema Village is a public site so you don’t have to join Facebook, you can just follow us and watch for your baby update. That would be a great help to us and I think you would enjoy following the many ways God is working at Neema Village. Bless you dear Sponsors!

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi