Elizabeth #3

Elizabeth’s father was an alcoholic and beat his wife and sons until the mother finally ran away from the family.  Elizabeth was still in secondary school but the father drank all the money so had nothing to pay school fees with.   Even though she was still struggling to go to school she would work after school at odd jobs to have food for her brothers.  She began sleeping with many different men and soon she became pregnant.  After counseling with Anna she has decided to work hard so that she can help her child and young brothers have a better life.  She decided to start a porridge, tea and chapatti business through Neema Village’s MAP business.   She is doing well and coming to Neema for support and education in business.  With Anna’s help she is learning that God has given her a child as a gift and that God loves her and has good plans for her.

When you leave this earth you can take nothing you have received, only what you have given.
St. Francis of Assisi